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Contact Identification

Responsible for identifying all non-covalent interactions in a trajectory.

This bypasses the need for the install of PyContact and reproduces the scoring function used by PyContact.

Output will be a csv file with each column an interaction pair. Each column has the following format: [residue1][residue2] [interaction type]

Where "residue1" and "residue2" are the names and residue numbers of the pair. and "interaction type" is one of: "Hbond" - Hydrogen bond "Saltbr" - Salt Bridge "Hydrophobic" - VdW interaction between two hydrophobic residues. "VdW" - Unspecified VdW interaction.

calculate_contacts(parm_file, traj_file, out_file, first_res=None, last_res=None, report_timings=True)

Identify all non-covalent interactions present in the simulation and save the output. Output has each non-covalent interaction as a column each column has the following information: [residue1][residue2] [interaction type]



The file path to your topology file. All MDAnalysis allowed topologies can be used. Please do not use a PDB file for this, use something with charge information. This is important for the hydrogen bonding part of the calculation to work.


The file path to your trajectory file. All MDAnalysis allowed trajectory file types can be used.


Path to write the csv output file too.


First residue to analyse, useful if you want to break the analysis into blocks. If not provided, the first residue in the trajectory will be used.


Last residue to analyse, useful if you want to break the analysis into blocks. If not provided, the last residue in the trajectory will be used.

bool = True

Choose whether to print to the console how long the job took to run. Optional, default is True.


None Output written to file. Optional timings printed to the console.

Source code in key_interactions_finder/
def calculate_contacts(
    parm_file: str,
    traj_file: str,
    out_file: str,
    first_res: Optional[int] = None,
    last_res: Optional[int] = None,
    report_timings: bool = True,
) -> None:

    Identify all non-covalent interactions present in the simulation and save the output.
    Output has each non-covalent interaction as a column
    each column has the following information: [residue1] [residue2] [interaction type]


    parm_file: str
        The file path to your topology file. All MDAnalysis allowed topologies can be used.
        Please do not use a PDB file for this, use something with charge information.
        This is important for the hydrogen bonding part of the calculation to work.

    traj_file: str
        The file path to your trajectory file.
        All MDAnalysis allowed trajectory file types can be used.

    out_file: str
        Path to write the csv output file too.

    first_res: Optional[int]
        First residue to analyse, useful if you want to break the analysis into blocks.
        If not provided, the first residue in the trajectory will be used.

    last_res: Optional[int]
        Last residue to analyse, useful if you want to break the analysis into blocks.
        If not provided, the last residue in the trajectory will be used.

    report_timings: bool = True
        Choose whether to print to the console how long the job took to run.
        Optional, default is True.


        Output written to file. Optional timings printed to the console.
    if report_timings:
        start_time = time.monotonic()

    universe = Universe(parm_file, traj_file)

    if first_res is None:
        first_res = 1

    biggest_protein_res = max(universe.select_atoms("name CA").resids)
    if last_res is None:
        last_res = biggest_protein_res

    if last_res > biggest_protein_res:
        warning_message = f"""
            You stated your last residue was residue number: {last_res}.
            I found the last protein residue to be: {biggest_protein_res}. \n
            This program is primarily designed to analyse protein-protein interactions, but can be used
            on ligands, or even water molecules \n
            If the difference between the {last_res} and {biggest_protein_res} is very large, then check you have not
            included all water molecules in your calculation. Doing so will make this calculation a lot slower. \n

            If the difference is small, you can safely ignore this warning message as it is probably the case you just
            have a ligand or two in your input file.

        biggest_res = last_res
        biggest_res = biggest_protein_res

    trajectory_length = len(universe.trajectory)
    trajectory_of_zeros = np.zeros(trajectory_length)

    all_heavy_atoms_sele = "not name H* and resid 1" + "-" + str(biggest_res)
    all_heavy_atoms = universe.select_atoms(all_heavy_atoms_sele)
    residue_names = [names.capitalize() for names in list(universe.residues.resnames)]

    # determine which residue each heavy atom belongs to.
    residue_ranges = {}
    for res_numb in range(1, biggest_res + 1):
        residue_range = np.where(all_heavy_atoms.atoms.resids == res_numb)
        residue_ranges[res_numb] = residue_range

    print("setup complete, analysing contacts now...")
    hbond_pairs = _determine_hbond_pairs(universe=universe)

    # Now go through each frame.
    all_contact_scores = {}
    for idx, _ in enumerate(universe.trajectory):  # each step is new frame.
        # calculate all heavy atom distances for this trajectory
        heavy_atom_dists = distances.distance_array(

        for res1 in range(first_res, last_res + 1):
            res_dists = heavy_atom_dists[residue_ranges[res1]]

            # +3 here as neighbouring residues not interesting.
            for res2 in range(res1 + 3, biggest_res + 1):
                res_res_dists = res_dists[:, residue_ranges[res2]]

                # score would be 0 if true.
                if res_res_dists.min() > MAX_HEAVY_DIST:

                contact_score = _score_residue_contact(res_res_dists)
                if (res1, res2) not in all_contact_scores:
                    # create empty array of size trajectory for it...
                    all_contact_scores[(res1, res2)] = trajectory_of_zeros.copy()
                # now update score for this frame.
                all_contact_scores[(res1, res2)][idx] = contact_score

    contact_labels_scores = {}
    for res_pair, contact_scores in all_contact_scores.items():
        # save contact only if non-negligible interaction present
        avg_contact_score = sum(contact_scores) / trajectory_length
        if avg_contact_score < 0.1:

        res1, res2 = res_pair
        # -1 as 0 indexed...
        res1_name = residue_names[res1 - 1]
        res2_name = residue_names[res2 - 1]

        interaction_type = _determine_interaction_type(

        contact_label = (
            str(res1) + res1_name + " " + str(res2) + res2_name + " " + interaction_type
        contact_labels_scores.update({contact_label: contact_scores})

    # reorders column names, to be like the old format.
    sorted_dict = dict(
            key=lambda item: (int("".join(filter(str.isdigit, item[0].split(":")[0])))),

    df_contact_scores = pd.DataFrame(sorted_dict)
    df_contact_scores.to_csv(out_file, index=False)

    if report_timings:
        end_time = time.monotonic()
        delta_time = timedelta(seconds=end_time - start_time)
        print(f"Time taken: {delta_time}")