Data Preperation
Takes a processed PyContact feature set and prepares the dataset for either supervised/unsupervised learning.
Main responsibilities: 1. Add target variable data to supervised learning datasets. 2. Offer several filtering methods for the PyContact features.
There are 2 classes for end user usage:
SupervisedFeatureData For supervised datasets where (there is a target variable)
UnsupervisedFeatureData For unsupervised datasets where (no target variable)
These classes both inherit from the class "_FeatureData", which abstracts as much as their shared behaviour as possible.
Bases: _FeatureData
FeatureData Class for datasets with classification data.
Dataframe of PyContact features to process.
Select True IF the target variable is a classifications(discrete data). Select False IF the target variable is a regression (continous data).
String for the path to the target variable file.
True or False, does the target_file have a header. Default is True.
Dataframe generated after merging feature and classifcation data together but before any filtering has been performed.
Dataframe generated after filtering. Each time a filtering method is applied, this dataset is updated so all filtering method previously performed are preserved.
filter_by_occupancy(min_occupancy) Filter features such that only features with %occupancy >= the min_occupancy are kept.
filter_by_interaction_type(interaction_types_included) Filter features/interactions to use by their type (e.g. hbond or vdws...)
filter_by_main_or_side_chain(main_side_chain_types_included) Filter features to only certain combinations of main and side chain interactions.
filter_by_avg_strength(average_strength_cut_off) Filter features/interactions to use by their average strength.
reset_filtering() Reset the filtered dataframe back to its original form.
filter_by_occupancy_by_class(min_occupancy) Special alternative to the the standard filter features by occupancy method. %occupancy is determined for each class (as opposed to whole dataset), meaning only observations from 1 class have to meet the cut-off to keep the feature. Only avaible to datasets with a categorical target variable (classification).
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Merge target data to the dataframe, make an empty df for df_filtered.
Source code in key_interactions_finder/
Special alternative to the standard filter features by occupancy method. As in the standard method, only features with %occupancy >= the min_occupancy are kept. (%occupancy is the % of frames that have a non-zero interaction value).
However, in this approach, %occupancy is determined for each class, meaning only observations from 1 class have to meet the cut-off to keep the feature.
Only available to datasets with classification (not regression) target data.
Minimum %occupancy that a feature must have to be retained.
pd.DataFrame Filtered dataframe.
Source code in key_interactions_finder/
Bases: _FeatureData
FeatureData Class for datasets without a target varaible.
Dataframe of PyContact features to process.
Dataframe generated after class initialisation.
Dataframe generated after filtering. If multiple filtering methods are used this is repeatedly updated, (so all filtering method performed on it are preserved).
filter_by_occupancy(min_occupancy) Filter features such that only features with %occupancy >= the min_occupancy are kept.
filter_by_interaction_type(interaction_types_included) Filter features/interactions to use by their type (e.g. hbond or vdws...)
filter_by_main_or_side_chain(main_side_chain_types_included) Filter features to only certain combinations of main and side chain interactions.
filter_by_avg_strength(average_strength_cut_off) Filter features/interactions to use by their average strength.
reset_filtering() Reset the filtered dataframe back to its original form.
Source code in key_interactions_finder/
Initialise an empty dataframe so dataclass can be printed.